Source code for

Module managing download of NOAH GLDAS data.

import os
import sys
import glob
import argparse
from functools import partial

from trollsift.parser import validate, parse, globify
from datetime import datetime
from datedown.interface import mkdate
from datedown.dates import daily
from datedown.urlcreator import create_dt_url
from datedown.fname_creator import create_dt_fpath
from datedown.interface import download_by_dt
from datedown.down import download

[docs]def gldas_folder_get_version_first_last( root, fmt=None, subpaths=["{time:%Y}", "{time:%j}"] ): """ Get product version and first and last product which exists under the root folder. Parameters ---------- root: string Root folder on local filesystem fmt: string, optional Formatting string (default: "GLDAS_NOAH025_3H.A{time:%Y%m%d.%H%M}.0{version:2s}.nc4") subpaths: list, optional Format of the subdirectories under root (default: ['{:%Y}', '{:%j}']). Returns ------- version: string Found product version start: datetime.datetime First found product datetime end: datetime.datetime Last found product datetime """ if fmt is None: fmt = "GLDAS_NOAH025_3H{ep}.A{time:%Y%m%d.%H%M}.0{version:2s}.nc4" start = None end = None version = None first_folder = get_first_gldas_folder(root, subpaths) last_folder = get_last_gldas_folder(root, subpaths) if first_folder is not None: files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(first_folder, globify(fmt)))) data = parse(fmt, os.path.split(files[0])[1]) start = data["time"] ep = data["ep"] version = f"GLDAS_Noah_v{data['version']}_025{data['ep']}" if last_folder is not None: files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(last_folder, globify(fmt)))) data = parse(fmt, os.path.split(files[-1])[1]) end = data["time"] return version, start, end
[docs]def get_last_gldas_folder(root, subpaths): """ Get last GLDAS folder name. Parameters ---------- root : str Root path. subpaths : list of str Subpath information. Returns ------- directory : str Last folder name. """ directory = root for level, subpath in enumerate(subpaths): last_dir = get_last_formatted_dir_in_dir(directory, subpath) if last_dir is None: directory = None break directory = os.path.join(directory, last_dir) return directory
[docs]def get_first_gldas_folder(root, subpaths): """ Get first GLDAS folder name. Parameters ---------- root : str Root path. subpaths : list of str Subpath information. Returns ------- directory : str First folder name. """ directory = root for level, subpath in enumerate(subpaths): last_dir = get_first_formatted_dir_in_dir(directory, subpath) if last_dir is None: directory = None break directory = os.path.join(directory, last_dir) return directory
[docs]def get_last_formatted_dir_in_dir(folder, fmt): """ Get the (alphabetically) last directory in a directory which can be formatted according to fmt. Parameters ---------- folder : str Folder name. fmt : str Format string. Returns ------- last_elem : str Last formatted directory. """ last_elem = None root_elements = sorted(os.listdir(folder)) for root_element in root_elements[::-1]: if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(folder, root_element)): if validate(fmt, root_element): last_elem = root_element break return last_elem
[docs]def get_first_formatted_dir_in_dir(folder, fmt): """ Get the (alphabetically) first directory in a directory which can be formatted according to fmt. Parameters ---------- folder : str Folder name. fmt : str Format string. Returns ------- first_elem : str First formatted directory. """ first_elem = None root_elements = sorted(os.listdir(folder)) for root_element in root_elements: if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(folder, root_element)): if validate(fmt, root_element): first_elem = root_element break return first_elem
[docs]def get_gldas_start_date(product): """ Get NOAH GLDAS start date. Parameters ---------- product : str Product name. Returns ------- start_date : datetime Start date of NOAH GLDAS product. """ dt_dict = { "GLDAS_Noah_v20_025": datetime(1948, 1, 1, 3), "GLDAS_Noah_v21_025": datetime(2000, 1, 1, 3), "GLDAS_Noah_v21_025_EP": datetime(2000, 1, 1, 3), } return dt_dict[product]
[docs]def parse_args(args): """ Parse command line parameters for recursive download. Parameters ---------- args : list of str Command line parameters as list of strings. Returns ------- args : argparse.Namespace Command line arguments. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Download GLDAS data.", formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, ) parser.add_argument( "localroot", help="Root of local filesystem where" "the data is stored.", ) parser.add_argument( "-s", "--start", type=mkdate, help=( "Startdate as YYYY-MM-DD. " "If not given then the target" "folder is scanned for a start date. If no data" "is found there then the first available date " "of the product is used." ), ) parser.add_argument( "-e", "--end", type=mkdate, help=( "Enddate. In format YYYY-MM-DD.If not given then the " "current date is used." ), ) help_string = "\n".join( [ "GLDAS product to download.", "GLDAS_Noah_v20_025 available from {} to 2014-12-31", "GLDAS_Noah_v21_025 available from {}", "GLDAS_Noah_v21_025_EP available after GLDAS_Noah_v21_025", ] ) help_string = help_string.format( get_gldas_start_date("GLDAS_Noah_v20_025"), get_gldas_start_date("GLDAS_Noah_v21_025"), ) parser.add_argument( "--product", choices=[ "GLDAS_Noah_v20_025", "GLDAS_Noah_v21_025", "GLDAS_Noah_v21_025_EP", ], default="GLDAS_Noah_v21_025", help=help_string, ) parser.add_argument("--username", help="Username to use for download.") parser.add_argument("--password", help="password to use for download.") parser.add_argument( "--n_proc", default=1, type=int, help="Number of parallel processes to use for" "downloading.", ) args = parser.parse_args(args) # set defaults that can not be handled by argparse # Compare versions to prevent mixing data sets version, first, last = gldas_folder_get_version_first_last(args.localroot) if args.product and version and (args.product != version): raise Exception( "Error: Found products of different version ({}) " "in {}. Abort download!".format(version, args.localroot) ) if args.start is None or args.end is None: if not args.product: args.product = version if args.start is None: if last is None: if args.product: args.start = get_gldas_start_date(args.product) else: # In case of no indication if version, use GLDAS Noah 2.0 # start time, because it has the longest time span args.start = get_gldas_start_date("GLDAS_Noah_v20_025") else: args.start = last if args.end is None: args.end = prod_urls = { "GLDAS_Noah_v20_025": { "root": "", "dirs": ["data", "GLDAS", "GLDAS_NOAH025_3H.2.0", "%Y", "%j"], }, "GLDAS_Noah_v21_025": { "root": "", "dirs": ["data", "GLDAS", "GLDAS_NOAH025_3H.2.1", "%Y", "%j"], }, "GLDAS_Noah_v21_025_EP": { "root": "", "dirs": ["data", "GLDAS", "GLDAS_NOAH025_3H_EP.2.1", "%Y", "%j"], }, } args.urlroot = prod_urls[args.product]["root"] args.urlsubdirs = prod_urls[args.product]["dirs"] args.localsubdirs = ["%Y", "%j"] print( "Downloading data from {} to {} " "into folder {}.".format( args.start.isoformat(), args.end.isoformat(), args.localroot ) ) return args
[docs]def main(args): """ Main routine used for command line interface. Parameters ---------- args : list of str Command line arguments. """ args = parse_args(args) dts = list(daily(args.start, args.end)) url_create_fn = partial( create_dt_url, root=args.urlroot, fname="", subdirs=args.urlsubdirs ) fname_create_fn = partial( create_dt_fpath, root=args.localroot, fname="", subdirs=args.localsubdirs, ) down_func = partial( download, num_proc=args.n_proc, username=args.username, password="'" + args.password + "'", recursive=True, filetypes=["nc4", "nc4.xml"], ) download_by_dt( dts, url_create_fn, fname_create_fn, down_func, recursive=True )
[docs]def run(): main(sys.argv[1:])